Seven facts about the behaviors of leeches and how it affects you...
1.Most leech species do not feed on human blood, but instead prey on small invertebrates, which they eat whole.
2. To feed on their hosts, leeches use their anterior suckers to connect to hosts for feeding, and also release an anesthetic to prevent the hosts from feeling them.
3. Once attached, leeches use a combination of mucus and suction to stay attached and secrete an anticoagulant enzyme, hirudin, into the hosts' blood streams.
4. Though certain species of leeches feed on blood, not all species can bite; 90% of them feed solely on decomposing bodies and open wounds of amphibians, reptiles, waterfowl, fish, and mammals (including humans).
5. A leech attaches itself when it bites, and it will stay attached until it becomes full, at which point it falls off to digest.
6. Due to the hirudin that leeches secrete, bites may bleed more than a normal wound after the leech is removed. The effect of the anticoagulant will wear off several hours after the leech is removed and the wound is cleaned.
7. The bite of a leech is painless because they inject anesthetic so they go unnoticed when they attach.
Facts found in Wikipedia
Beware of the spiritual leeches that surround you!
1.They attach themselves to the weeker/baby Christians.
2. They are so sneaky that you don't feel when they attach themselves to you.
3. They will poison your spirit!
4. They will prey on any weeknesss to feed there own egos/agendas/deficiencies
5. After they are done with you they'll toss you like yesterday's news and find someone else to prey on.
6. You will be left wounded and hurt.
The Spirit of God is warning some of you so beware!!!
A leech has two daughters, and both are named “Give me!”... (Proverbs 30:15 GNTD)