When you are saturated by the Holy Spirit what flows out of you comes from the overflow. There have been times that I have known that I have ministered from my spiritual reserves. That's the water that is stored up for times of drought.
My question for you today is, are you in a season of spiritual drought? When was the last time you spent alone time in the presence of God. The type of alone time where he replenishes your sprit with fresh living waters?
When you minister you give of what is in your spiritual tank. So, what is flowing from you? Is it fresh, or is it stagnant waters?
Stagnant waters have been proven to contain bacteria and parasites that can be life threatening! Don't allow poison to dwell in you any longer!!!
Today the Holy Spirit calls you to draw near to him for a time of refreshing. Allow him to come replenish your spiritual wells and his life will flow in you once again!!!
~Heidi Lugo~