Saturday, April 4, 2015

Quality Control

A lot of what I do at my job is to ensure quality control. I take temperatures, taste beverages, taste food and time things to ensure there quality. 

Ministry and pastoral work is not much different. There are safety nets and check points that are established in order to ensure the quality of what we are producing. When a pastor asks you questions, they are simply taking your temperature and ensuring that you are producing quality. 

A few times I've come into my job and while taking temperatures have discovered refrigerators that have been off all night and have dumped dozens of gallons of product. All to prevent that even one person would get sick from our product! 

Jesus was the master of quality control. He asked Peter three times "do you love me?" And with each response Jesus would give him another command (feed my sheep, shepherd my sheep, follow me John 21: 17-19) ensuring that Peter would be a good shepherd! 

So don't resent when in ministry and life others seem to pry... They aren't prying, they are doing quality control, ensuring that what you produce is only the best!!!