Sunday, March 20, 2016

Fence Straddlers

Happy Sunday everyone! 
Thinking of this today...
Stop straddling the fence! Some people are professional fence straddlers... Constantly in a state of neither here nor there. You can't be on the fence between grace and law, love and hate, God and the world! 

Joshua 24:15 puts it this way, "choose for your seek his day whom you shall serve..." And then he went on the make a choice for him and his family. Here's the thing, God had chosen the Israelites but they were straddling the fence between him and other gods. 

Today examine your heart and ask yourself what are you straddling the fence on in your life? Why? Because God has already chosen and while you're on the fence you miss out on what it is to be fully invested in the things he's chosen for you! He's chosen life, love, freedom, peace, grace and so much more!